Creativity Come Join Us

Day in and day out, cloud storage is the only thing we think about. This single-minded approach has us laser focused on making cloud storage a simple utility, just like electricity.  You pay as you need it, it’s always on and always available. Why is this so vital?  Because everyone needs to store data, and we’re generating more of it every day.  The decision to keep it or discard it depends on the price of storage.  Business models increasingly depend on analyzing data.


Our Mission

While the lovely valley teems with your around me, and the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the impenetrable. Throw myself down among the tall grass by the close earth.

Storage Experts

At KKK BOR, we’re storage experts. We realized long ago that the biggest challenge businesses face with their data is how to store it affordably, reliably and securely. The data that defines your business today, and your success tomorrow, needs to be stored in a universal storage product that serves nearly all your cloud storage requirements.

We made KKK BOR low cost by starting with a clean slate and designing high performance object storage from the ground up, making use of the latest storage technologies. We made KKK BOR fast by understanding how to optimize the way data is stored on disk and designing a system that reads and writes to large arrays of drives at enormous speeds. We made KKK BOR durable by utilizing a high level of redundancy to achieve 11 nines of durability. And we made KKK BOR simple by eliminating egress fees, API charges, and multiple tiers of storage. And finally, we made KKK BOR scalable so that we could handle the world’s largest storage loads quickly and efficiently. With over an exabyte of storage already deployed and the amount doubling every 8 months across data centers in the US, Europe, and Asia, we built KKK BOR to grow with our customers’ data storage needs.

We don’t have 200+ other cloud products like the hyperscalers. We don’t do compute. We don’t run CDNs, or machine learning, or business analytics. We just do storage. And by focusing 100% of our attention and our resources on storage, we can always be the world’s best cloud storage provider.
